sabato 11 gennaio 2014

Gyaru Styles (part 2.)

Hello! I post the 2nd part!!

HimeGyaru ( ギャル)
Not to be confused with Lolita fashion.
This style wear like princess , this people wear pink, pastel, white and is ispired by Rococo era.
Key words are " Skirt", "Dress" , "Rose", "Large bows" and "Pearls" 

Ganguro (ガングロギャル) 
This style is colourful but the hair are more "normal" than manba.
now we see the subcategories of ganguro.

Banba (バンバ) 
Banbas wear less colourful ( neutre colours),
and the  Angeleek (banba group) is most group respected in Tokyo
but exists another banba groups .

 manba (マンバ)
This style is most colorful and it from by Ganguro style.
Their big ,colourful hair and their make up very heavy, represent this style .

Yamanba (山姥, Yama-uba)
Is like Manba but the nose stripe goes past the eyebrows.

Finally there are ....


GYARUO (ギャル男!!!)
Gyaru male 

Now we watched the different Gyaru's subcategories :D !!!

Tomorrow i'll take train for the sea! but maybe i'll take with me the pc and i'll can post
another news ^^  BYEEE

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