lunedì 3 marzo 2014

Harajuku Parade in Milan

Hey! sorry for my long absence, but i doing a cosplay of Luigi (by Super Mario Bros.)
2 week ago, i had parade for show my gyaru style , this parade was oraganized by Harajuku Fashion Walk Milano (we're on facebook).
i'd like show you the video , but unfortunately i can't download it... i leave you the site 
i hope you like . 

now i put also any photo of the parade 

The gals of the parade, we have two gyaru twins, gyaruo 
and another style . try to recognize all style ^^

All component of this event ... we had a good time , gyaru , lolita, visual .. all stlye on this group
i'll don't forget never that spend time with they ^^ 

giovedì 13 febbraio 2014

J-melo project

Hi girl! here we are ^^ 
Last sunday in Milan there was a metting for registered a video for participate a j-melo dance contest (?)   by Italian Team J-melo .
I know that we were terrible but we enjoyed and laughted   for 2 hours now i post 
the original videos that we sent to j-melo's staff  

 unfortunately i don't make a english sub. for this another video that i posting,
 but it show that i can't said one phrase , i hope u like it xD 

this is my adventure of one sunny sunday xD 
now i must go , see ya next time ^^

giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

Tutorials and my fake nails

Hi girls! 
today i post any pics of tutorials that we find on japanese megazines ^^
i hope u like it! 

u see the power of make up! 
many girls for use an adhesive for make big eyes (u can see it in the 2nd pic)
but the japanese made a eyelashes adhesive duo (adhesive for make "more occidental" eyes and for eyelashes)

now i post one pic and i tell u about exential make up "accessories" for do Gals style 

- Circle lenses for make big DOLLY eyes , i have it and i use a diameter 14.5 , gray 3 tones
and i take it on pinkyparadise 

- Fake lashes , i don't life without it !! i don't use lower because here in italy is difficult find it
but u can order it on pinkyparadise  or aliexpress  or another asian sites.
P.s. i have all type of lashes , i love it! xD 

here is about make up 
but another exential accessorizes that u MUST have are...

- Long hair , a lot of girl have extentions (me too) 

- Long and cure nails ... there are most fake nails already with decoration ,also with 3D bows,flowers,pearls.
Anytime i buy it but i prefer make nail art by me (i'll post it after) 

there are a lote of fake things but the result is wonderful!! 
when i have gyaru meeting in Milan i use AAALL this things for become a GAL U_U

TADAAAAN , unfortunately  my phone came is suck but i hope u can see the result of 2h of work xD 
i'll wear it when i'll turn in a ganguro girl xD 

martedì 28 gennaio 2014

Idol and my wish

Hey gals! sorry but this days i stayed to sea , now i return in Milan

Today i wanna talk ....about IDOLS :
- Ayumi Hamasaki
- Yamashita Tomohisa (Yamapi)

when i was little i have eye only for this singers 

Ayumi Hamasaki

She is beautiful and great singer
the first time i listen "heaven"  , it's a calm,soft, innocent song ...
i hope one day to become like her, and  there is a pics of her in gyaru.

Yamashita Tomohisa

Or called only "Yamapi" , he's also an actor ,
the first his j-drama that i liked it was....
"Dragonzakura" wow i remember yet when i stay for days at home only for watch j-dramas 
*feel like disadapted *  
One day i'll travel in Japan for see (also in distance) him.

I love Japan , is not a addle phrase , but the mine, is a very passion for people , music, culture, tradition, j-drama, movie, clothes.

Sorry girls for tell u my wishes , but i can't forbear (?) , to talk about it .

Next time i'll talk about make up and hairstyles tutorials ^^ 

mercoledì 15 gennaio 2014

Girl's life... movie

Today i wanna talk about a japanese movie called 
"Girl's life".
Girl's life tells about a young periphery gyaru that come to Tokyo for find job....

I post the movie here .... Good watching 

I hope u like it
This movie is very beautiful (for me) but there is somethings that in the real life is hard (like make up always perfect ) xD 

lunedì 13 gennaio 2014

Gyaru Brans and ...

Konnichiwa! ^^
Today i show u the popular gyaru brands.

Here in italy are most famous 
Liz Lisa
But obviously this brands there aren't in Italy  (T^T) 
and we gilrs are COACT *now i cry* to buy on net.

The "expensive" links are : 
here there is need of Shopping Service
because is a chinese site, and for undersand how do your order
and attention to buy the ORIGINAL clothings.

Buy China
is like Taobao 

Rakuten (English version)
i advice to buy on the Japan vers. and here if u want be sure 100% of originality go to this site.
But the ss (shipping) is high and the easy method is have a japanese friends that order it and shipping it to you.

the same things of Rakuten 

For those who want AUTHENTIC clothing, yes, you CAN buy 
authentic clothing online. You can go on Yahoo! Japan Auctions ( ) 
usually some people sell their used clothing.
 You have to get a shipping service though. 
ShoppingmallJapan ( ) is an option.

They ship worldwide but it is a bit pricey. There are MANY sites claiming 
they sell authentic clothes when they actually don't.

If u can , buy on JAPAN site , not chinese, but if u want the same clothes buy from china

your choose!

Comment this post for questions and i answer

domenica 12 gennaio 2014

Gyaru Magazine

Yohoooo! hi everyone ! 
Today i show you differente gyaru's magazines...
Let's start!

the most famous Gyaru megazine in Japan and another part of world 

and there is also for boys! :) 

is 2nd Gyaru magazine famous in Japan.
This magazine is for Hime gyaru or gals.

(model: singer Ayumi Hamasaki)
Is famous like Ageha 



Happie Nuts
is for "Erokawa" (Ero= Erotic, Kawa= Kawaii)
and Ane gyaru.

I love mama
is a magazine that is for the Gyarus with a sons


Soul sister
Is for Ane gyaru and "bad" gals xD


Pop sister

These are all famous magazines in Japan.

I try to talk simply, because all can understand , if i must tell all stories, i would end at christmas of 2016 xD
i hope u like it!
"Also in holiday, Ilenia continue to write ..." *see the horizon*

sabato 11 gennaio 2014

Gyaru Styles (part 2.)

Hello! I post the 2nd part!!

HimeGyaru ( ギャル)
Not to be confused with Lolita fashion.
This style wear like princess , this people wear pink, pastel, white and is ispired by Rococo era.
Key words are " Skirt", "Dress" , "Rose", "Large bows" and "Pearls" 

Ganguro (ガングロギャル) 
This style is colourful but the hair are more "normal" than manba.
now we see the subcategories of ganguro.

Banba (バンバ) 
Banbas wear less colourful ( neutre colours),
and the  Angeleek (banba group) is most group respected in Tokyo
but exists another banba groups .

 manba (マンバ)
This style is most colorful and it from by Ganguro style.
Their big ,colourful hair and their make up very heavy, represent this style .

Yamanba (山姥, Yama-uba)
Is like Manba but the nose stripe goes past the eyebrows.

Finally there are ....


GYARUO (ギャル男!!!)
Gyaru male 

Now we watched the different Gyaru's subcategories :D !!!

Tomorrow i'll take train for the sea! but maybe i'll take with me the pc and i'll can post
another news ^^  BYEEE

Gyaru styles (Part 1.)

Good morning bloggers! 
Today is my last day in Milan because, i go for 1 week to sea (Sanremo) U_U
Anyway i'd like to talk about Gyaru Styles!
(kuro gyaru)

You must know that Gyaru fashion is a type of japanese street fashion
that was born from a brand of jeans called "Gurls", and with the 
years it turns the name.  English name is "GAL"
Now i show you the different styles.

Gyaru-kei (ギャル系) 
It is an umbrella term for the many subcategories or themes of gal styles.

B-gal / Bibinba (ビビンバ) 
This look usually includes a lot of gold, and jewelry.
But about a prestigious teen megazine called "EGG" is not a
serious style.

Kogal (コギャル, kogyaru)
is the style with uniform , generally wear it the students.

Ane gyaru (姉 ギャル)
The girls drive or ride bikes, and tend to have tattoos and piercings, 
usually they are in a different biker gang.
they look is ribellious 
and some of this girls work in construction, hostess clubs, or as Djs and models.

Amekaji (アメカジ, Gaijin)
is a style that wear occidental style.
But is not a very style .  

Girls for today is all! 
See you soon !! 

venerdì 10 gennaio 2014

ganguro 50%

today i found a new cosmetics for do ganguro style, on the net i find also a many beautiful hair tutorial

and a pic of couple super kawaii ( ^_^ )y

now i try to do part at one gyaru community  next time i post the site .

last week i search liz lisa's dress but the spedition from japan to italy is very high


Today i watching frozen and i didn't like it before watch it but now i loveing it! ! the songs are simply wonderful!! i hope to learn all !!
i advice to everyone to see it!!
i'd like do esla's sister (hannah)  cosplay ! but for now i'm limit to sing .... for now is all!  byeee

giovedì 9 gennaio 2014


Hi every one! ^^ 
I'm Ilenia and i live in Milan (Italy).
And now , i don't know how start this "post" but i try.
Here in italy, now, there is a cooold *u don't say?! it's winter! * 
and today i go out for jobs , 'cause the 2nd february
will be " Festival del fumetto" ("Comics festival")
and i trying to buy the necessary for Ganguro-style

it's 1st time that i wearing this style and i'm ecchi U_U 
You must know that in Milan we do "Harajuku fashion walk"
and the last was on christmas theme (but to christmas there was nothing ^^" ) 

kawaii no? 
byee (^o^)y